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Organization formed by Nancy Brazinski & Bob Swortzel
First tournament team to Michigan First winter program. 51 members by end of the year
Steering committee appointed. Bylaws drafted First Spring Breakfast First weekend retreat at Front Royal 4H Center "A" and "B" tournament teams went to MI and PA First annual meeting and election of officers 82 members
First Sr. Olympic team (55+) won gold at Syracuse "A" team won all 3 tournaments entered "B" team became "Mint Condition"
Pinnies' purchased to differentiate league teams Bylaws adopted at annual meeting. 165 members
First Olympic Team 1991
Rules and Regs adopted by the board Five league teams. "A" team finally beaten at end of season. 116 members
One and only Sr. Oly team (55+) took silver at Baton Rouge. 109 members
Sr. Softball World Series has first women’s division & GGs take second. GGs celebrate 5th Anniversay 120 Members
GG logo design contest won by Stacy Colby. First GG member honored at Fairfax Sr. Recognition Luncheon (Hazel Parker). First Olympics yard sale made $800. 55s and 60s won silver and gold at Olympics in San Antonio. The Tournament Team wins the World Series in Palm Springs.
Second Olympic yard sale made $1600 153 members
First Karat Patch team formed. First colored shirts for league play First annual league tournament Third (and last) Olympic yard sale made $2300 50s gold; 55s fourth; 60s fourth; 65s silver at Olympics in Tucson. The Tournament Team wins World Series in Texas . 165 members
50's and 60's tournament teams keep reeling in wins. Affiliate category added with 10 women.
172 members.
Golden Girls celebrate 10th anniversary At World Series, 50s took second, 55s third place At Senior Olympics, 55s 4th, 60s Gold, 65s Silver’
Pat Blackmon 1st woman inducted into Natl Sr. Softball Hall of Fame All Star Players band debuted at annual breakfast. At the World Series, 50's placed 3rd, 55's tied for 5th 163 members, 10 affiliates
2001 web site initiated At the Baton Rouge Sr. Olympics: 55's, 4th place; 60's, silver; 65's, 4th Fancy GG jackets make the scene. 158members, 12 affiliates
70's Sr. Olympic team is formed 168 members, 13 affiliates members, 13 affiliates
GGSHARE, internal web site was initiated At the VA Beach Sr. Olympics: 55's, bronze; 60's, gold; 70's, silver Membership survey conducted; 50% responded 45/50s won USSSA, WSSA and ISSA championships: Big Year! 180 members, 20 affiliates
Fifteenth anniversary!! First "Fun Day" 70's team played in its first tournament in Arkansas 167 members, 16 affiliates
Tournament teams sweep SPA at Charleston, SC. Four firsts! 70's team won a gold at Pittsburgh Sr. Oly, 60's silver, 65's bronze "ggsoftball" under Yahoo became the group e-mail facility 191 members, 21 affiliates
60's stormed Ft. Myers tourney, winning all 6 games. Karat Patch discontinued 152 members, 25 affiliates
65's win gold in Sr. Oly at Louisville. 174 members, 23 affiliates
70's win first place at Huntsman Games 169 members, 25 affiliates
Golden Girls Celebrated 20th Anniversary First invitational tournament sponsored by GGs 163 members, 28 affiliates
Brenda "Batch" Batchelor inducted into National Senior Softball Hall of Fame. First All Star Game held in August. First Golden Girls vs Golden Guys Game held in October
173 members, 28 affiliates
Helen Boyd inducted into National Senior Softball Hall of Fame 70s take first in "World Championship" in Phoenix. Nearly entire fall season league schedule rained out! 172 members, 28 affiliates
Yard Sale for GG tournament – netted over $1500 Second invitational tourney sponsored by GG. Beth Hersey inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame 160 members, 27 affiliates
Marilyn Mallery inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame
50s, 60s, 65s, and 70s participated in National Senior Games (Senior Olympics) in Cleveland. Hugely successful Fun Day to kick off Fall Season 166 members, 26 affiliates
Record year for new members. 5 travelling tournament teams (50,60,65,70,75) Unusual number of league games cancelled due to weather. Lori Grimm inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame
164 members, 26 affiliates
Linda "Baz" Baziluik inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame Record rainout of games. Carmen Campbell inducted into National Senior Softball Hall of Fame.
At Senior Olympics, 65s bronze, 70s gold, 75s silver 188 members all categories
Katy Page inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame 5 Members passed away, 2 of whom were charter members. 175 members all categories
Very high number of league rainouts (almost whole month of May). Senior Olympics held in Birmingham, Alabama. 65s took Silver, 70s took Silver, 75s took 4th. GG started Facebook page. At the World Series, 50's placed 3rd, 55's tied for 5th 163 members, 10 affiliates
Another year of high league rainouts. First time to use lighted fields for Wednesday games which allowed all teams to play concurrently in on- shortened games due to darkness. 167 members all categories
19 new players – largest in long time. Celebrated 30th Anniversary with Breakfast with several Charter members attending. Held Fund Raiser and Publicity event at Nationals Stadium. Peg Moyer inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame as Senior Player & Golden Girls Organization inducted into WMSPS Hall of Fame in the Special Services Category. 50s, 70s, 75s played in Olympics taking 5th, 4th, 4th respectively
2020: Peg Moyer inducted into the National Senior Softball Hall of Fame.No league games due to COVID restrictions. 2021: No league due to COVID. Very limited tournament play.
2022: WMSPS Hall of Fame banquet honoring Peg Moyer AND the Golden Girls Organization was finally held in March. League finally got to play – back to almost normal – whew! 50s and 70s played in Olympics. 50s took 4th & 70s 5th.
2023: 80s played as 75s in Olympics and took 4th place.
2024: Record year for new players.
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